Children's Faith Formation
Children aren't just the church's future—they're an essential part of our faith community right now. At Incarnation we strive to serve our kids' growing faith, and we know they have much to teach adults, too.
Children are always welcome in worship: any age, any time.
For children from infancy through preschool age, we offer a professionally staffed nursery during the 10:15 Sunday service. We have a wide range of toys for all age levels as well as an outdoor play area. All our caregivers are rigorously trained and screened. Your child can remain in the nursery while you're in the service or for any part of it. You can also drop into the nursery for a quick diaper change, or whatever you need.
In addition to care during Sunday services, we provide child care for other programs or services at church involving parents.
Godly Play
Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children from preschool through elementary school age.
Godly Play is offered during the school year on Sundays at 9:00.
Children's Chapel
During the 10:15 liturgy, preschool through elementary-age children may choose to join in Children's Chapel during the first half of the service, the Liturgy of the Word. Following the Children's Chapel cross out to Children's Chapel shortly after the start of the service, our children are invited into a worship practice that parallels what those in "big church" are doing, but in a way designed especially for kids. Together we sing songs, hear and respond to one or more of the day's scripture readings, and pray for our own needs and the needs of God's world. Participants return to big church for the second half of the service to participate in Communion. Of course, children are also always welcome to remain in church for the entire liturgy as they and their parents prefer.