Pastoral Care Team
The Pastoral Care Team consists of Incarnation volunteers led by Pastoral Care Coordinator Doreen Van Leeuwen, who are committed to helping members of our church family in time of need through prayer, listening, companionship, and sometimes practical assistance, in partnership with our clergy.
Ways to be involved (our team might include some or all of these roles, as we see what gifts people have):
Care Companion. Visit with parishioners going through a difficult time. Training and a commitment to confidentiality will be essential.
Note-Writer. Write encouraging notes to others.
Meal Coordinator. Organize schedules for making meals for those who can use them, using an online tool like MealTrain.
Community Shepherd. Reach out to folks who haven’t been at church in a while or may have slipped through the cracks.
Leadership: Doreen Van Leeuwen. Email [email protected]
Meeting Schedule: Visits are scheduled as requested. People in need can contact the church office, the clergy, or the team leader.