This Sunday, March 12: New and Returning Ushers' Gathering
by Jim Furness
We will be having an usher gathering / meeting on March 12th after the 10:15 service at 11:45 in the church pews.
"Now Hiring!"
The usher team at Incarnation is looking to hire more friendly, welcoming team members. The pay is not good, but the benefits are great. As a team member you get to welcome people into the church, meet them, help provide a smooth service and work with a great group of people. You will also get a name badge with a blue ribbon on it as a welcome gift. The job duties usually consist of serving once per month at either the 8am or 10:15 service (your preference) with a couple other great team members. I will also put a call out for ushers for special services such as Christmas or Easter or funerals etc. on a volunteer basis.
If you or anyone you know would like to join, please get in touch with me, Jim Furness at church in person or via email at [email protected] . You are also welcome to join us at our ushers' gathering where you can learn more and sign up on the spot.
Tags: News & Notes