Newly Elected Vestry and Delegates
At our Annual Meeting we elected five new members of our vestry (four for full three-year terms and one to serve the remaining two years of Stephen Little's term after he needed to step down). Please pray for Joseph Ferrucci, Bill Glenn, Inese Heinzel, Laura McLellan, and Mark Neumann as they begin their service on vestry.
We also elected the following delegates to our annual Diocesan Convention this fall: Matthew Bonacorso, Joseph Ferrucci, Sara Joslyn, Amy Nykamp, John Nykamp, Mark Sawdon, and Maggie Wager. Elected as alternates were Sharon Cronan, Alice Dingwall, Cammie Dingwall, Karen Lockert, and Dan Sands.
Congratulations and thanks to all those who stood for election!
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