Coming Up at 9:00 Sunday Forum
Here's what's coming up at Sunday Forum the next few weeks:
January 19: Getting to Know Icons (Part 2). Led by Susan Prier. What makes an image an icon? How can this particular form of sacred art enrich our own spiritual lives? Susan Prier will lead this two-part series, which included a short film on January 12 and continues with further discussion on January 19.
January 26: An Ethiopian Pilgrimage. The Ethiopian Orthodox tradition is one of the most distinctive and beautiful forms of Christianity. Joan Roughgarden will share pictures and reflections from her visit to Ethiopia during the festival of Timkat (the Ethiopian name for Epiphany), which features dramatic processions, reenactments of the baptism of Jesus, and the blessing of local bodies of water.
February 2: Stump the Theologian. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? (and why does it matter?) Why the platypus? And serious theological questions and discussions as well. Join professional theologian Ellen Wondra to discuss pressing theological questions. It will be informative—and fun!
The full schedule for Sunday Forum this spring is posted here: Sunday Forum 2024-25 Schedule.
Tags: News & Notes / Adult Faith Formation / Sunday Forum