About Us
Visiting Incarnation

People decide to visit a church for lots of different reasons, often because they're at some sort of transition point in their lives. Maybe you're a longtime Episcopalian; maybe you have experience in another faith tradition; or maybe you've never been to a faith community at all.
As we often say on Sunday mornings,
Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your spiritual journe…
Read More »Clergy and Staff
“We who are many are one body in Christ, and individually we are members of one another.” (Romans 12:5)
Every single member of the church is called to ministry—to loving and serving God and our neighbors. Here are some of the people who help us do our ministry together as a congregation. At Incarnation our leadership is shared among lay and ordained leaders, some as staff and others as volunteers.
Read More »Vestry
The Vestry is the body of lay leaders who are responsible, together with the Rector, for the mission, finances and buildings of the Church of the Incarnation. They are elected by the members of the parish for rotating three-year terms, with elections held yearly at the Annual Meeting. The Vestry meets once a month, usually on the fourth Tuesday at 6:30 pm. Meetings are open to al…
Read More »What We Believe

We believe God is love. We believe God created us to love and be loved. We believe Jesus is God in a human life, the full revelation of God. We believe the Holy Spirit is God inspiring us to love and serve.
Incarnation is a parish of the Episcopal Church. Being Episcopalian isn't the only way to follow Jesus, but we think it's a good one. The Episcopal tradition sits at the i…
Our History and Building

In 1868, a fledgling Episcopal mission was first organized in Santa Rosa. Occasional services had been held here as early as 1860 or 1861.
Our building was begun in 1872 and completed in 1873. It's said that the church was built from the wood of two redwood trees. It is the oldest church structure in continuous use in Santa Rosa. The Church was declared debt free in 1876 and con…
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